Friday, August 14, 2009

August 10, 2009
Dear Diary,
In the morning ,we checked our seatwork last week.We red about the "Festive Month of May" and we had a seatwork to be checked tomorrow.In TLE,we wrote some information about pattern drafting and we didn't finished it because we are running out of time.
In Math,Mrs.Gomez gave us a test in quadratic.This is our last test in 1st Grading.In AP,we reviewed about Mrs.Neis' discussed.
In the afternoon, we saw our scores in mastery test in Science. Mrs.Sagaral, said that we would sang our favorite song. Mrs.Comparativo gave us a mastery test in Filipino.

August 11,2009
Dear Diary,
In the morning, we had an oral recitation in English. I am afraid because group 3 is the 1st who will took the recitation. In TLE we taught how to use the L- square. In Math, we checked our test. In AP, Mrs.Neis gave us our drawing book and we saw our scores. After that, we reviewed our past lessons.
In the afternoon, we had already knew our scores in test that we had last week and Mrs.Jumao-as gave our project in Science.

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Hi Ma'am I am finished my work please go to my website.By the way I am macasero from section Shama